Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 9, Saturday, January 22, 2011

So, this week a lot has happened. More than I expected. Two little hiccups. One my fault (I should not go shopping by myself, I can talk myself into anything. "I know I bought a shiny finish in the bathroom sink, which is too bad, because I like the Brushed Nickel." Oh wait. I am an idiot. I did buy the brushed nickel, which means the Home Depot stuff: shower body, shower faucet head with a nice long hose, (that sounds just wrong) will have to be returned and I will have to buy the brushed nickel.

The other problem occurred this week with the new bedroom/living room wall. It was framed out about two feet off. Which if you live in NH, might not be a big deal, but in a teeny tiny apartment two feet means the difference between watching tv on a couch, or sitting on a bean bag while Big Love is on. But thankfully, my renovation supervisor, caught the mistake and called my contractor, who is absolutely fabulous. He fixed it the next day. So now I will be able to have a bedroom I can walk around in AND be able to sit luxuriously on the couch while I watch Jersey Shore and the RHOEverywhere. Fun Fun.

I picked out the cabinets on Wednesday. They were delivered yesterday (Friday, 1/21/2011). How did I get so lucky to find this contractor? He is a miracle worker. He is ahead of schedule. Unbelievable. And everything looks really good. I am very relieved the whole process is going along quite painlessly (if you don't count my personal shopping screw ups).

It is incredibly cold here today. It was 18 F this morning here in the Big Apple. I shouldn't really complain. My iphone said it was below zero "upta New Hampshire." So I cancelled my tile shopping trip today. Tomorrow, we will be braving the elements and going to Home Depot and the tile store. Fear not: I will have a supervisor this trip, so I am sure I will purchase all the correct things.

A couple people have asked what has been happening day by day, so I've posted a page with a Day by Day, Detail by Detail explanation if you are dying to know all the graphic details. You can find it by clicking here.

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