Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day ?? The Moving Company

So, last week we began the rumored horrific process of finding a mover. For those of you outside the litigious city of NY, I am moving into a building which requires a bonded and insured mover. (This is code for: you can't hire "a guy with a truck") It is also code for: This. Will. Cost. A. FORTUNE. Money. Money. Money. Or, so I have heard.

So, my PPM went about calling a company which had been recommended. We thought they would come and give me a quote - hopefully it would not be a small fortune. So, we booked a day and time for the guy to come and look at all my junk and give me a quote. Two people who have been extremely good at estimating cost all along this process told me they thought it would be between $2,000 and $3,000. This is just for the actual move, not for packing my stuff. So, I was incredibly nervous to have the moving expert come and give me the estimate. To be honest, do I really have things that are actually worth $3,000? Its more than I paid for my first car for god sakes.

So, today, promptly on time, the "moving expert quoter" arrived. He was verrrrry business like. My apartment was sort of a shambles (even for me it was a shambles, so those of you who know my "external organization" aura, understand this means it was pretty crazy.

He walked around quickly, pointing at this piece of furniture, that couch, asking, "All these books going?" "Is this couch going?" "All these books going?" "How about this TV?" "These books too?" "This too?" "So, basically, every book is going?"

So, after a five minute whirlwind through my apartment, he sat down on my couch (the one that I am not bringing, sorry owen). He began to complete a form, then brought out his laptop and began entering information. He asked if I needed insurance. I said yes. He asked about the hours of the move, confirmed the day and date, and confirmed both are doorman buildings.

During the whole calculator, laptop typing process, Owen was very happy to say hello. The poor guy dropped his calculator a bunch of times. Owen of course, wanted to pick it up. After the second time, I said, "he just wants to pick it up for you." So, the next time he dropped it, he did let Owen pick it up. Owen promptly brought it to me. I told him, "Go give it to him." Which he did. He seemed very impressed with Owen's attentiveness. He dropped the calculator one more time; I think it might have been just as a test for Owen, which he passed beautifully.

So, finally he said, "Okay, so the total cost for the move, without boxes will be ........."

I wanted to squeeze my eyes shut and pray for the moving fairy to come dance through my window. But, I took a deep breath and....

"Okay, the total cost for the move, without boxes will be one thousand dollars."

I wanted to jump up and kiss the guy. One Thousand dollars? Absolutely Fabulous! I was thrilled. Then my stomach dropped, I asked, "How much fo the boxes?" My head filled with dread.

"It will be $395 and we will buy back whatever boxes you don't use." He also explained I don't have to take my clothes off the hangers from my closets. On the day of the move, THEY will remove the clothes on the hangers, place them in a wardrobe box for me. Fabulous! Love it!

Again - absolutely fabulous ! So, I gave him my credit card for the boxes which will be delivered tomorrow. And to make it better, he told me he would make sure the boxes were delivered right to my door and not left downstairs with the doorman.

The moving company emailed me and confirmed my address for the boxes to be dropped off tomorrow. And they sent me an email to set up an account in their system. So, far, my experience couldn't be any better. If I could, I would have jumped up and down in relief. This is going to be a great price. If the service is great.... it will be fantastic. I will keep you posted.

Just in case you are looking for a moving company, after the move is over, I will post my review on their website and on Yelp! etc. I will post the links to my reviews so if you are interested, you can see how the whole experience went.

Now, to pack up alllllllllllll those books. Still have to finish buying the damn lights for the bedroom, hallway and kitchen. And begin / finish packing. 16 days left to get packed and ready for the move.

Thanks for sharing the fun & misery of this renovation. I'd love to hear from you, email me at manhattanRenovation@gmail.com

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