Friday, February 11, 2011

Mostly Done? Friday, February 11, 2011

At the end of this renovation, it seems like things are sloooooooowing down. I am sure things are moving along, but for a non-construction professional like myself, it was easier to see progress when big things were being ripped out or cupboards installed. These last days are very stressful. Every time I think "this is the most stressful part of this process - another level of apprehension pops up. I am very thankful to have found such a great General Contractor (GC). I wonder what people do who manage the work themselves? How can you work full time and manage this kind of job? (I nap full time and it is impossible for me) I can completely recommend my GC. He has been great and I am very confident he will be finished a couple of days before my "moving date." I know how lucky I am to have found him. So many people have nightmare tales of woe, horrible sob stories of projects never finished, running overtime, or being done wrong. Again, I am very fortunate. So far, this project has been exactly what was promised. I am very happy at this point. In a whole apartment renovation, the biggest problem was a wall painted gray instead of beige? And the wall was repainted before I even got to go see the "wrong" color. This is unheard of - I am very lucky. From my days at a hardware store, I know every project has hiccups. And many projects have out right severed arteries. I was prepared for problems. Mistakes happen. I know this. But, in this job, so far, no problems. I keep thinking, "Who is going to pinch me to wake me ? This is toooooo good to be true. I really did find the perfect GC." (God, I hope I am not jinxing it, by saying this out loud. smile.)

My official moving date is at the end of this month. At the beginning of this project, it seemed like everything would be done far, far, far ahead of schedule. Now I am worried I won't be moving into a "finished" apartment. Maybe I've got Moving Mania? Project Conclusion Cold Feet? I am sure lots of things are happening every day, but the little things are harder to see. A few folks have emailed me asking for a progress update, so here goes:

My Posh Project Manager (PPM) checked out the apartment tonight. He reports:

This week the GC has completed:

~ The cable wire is run. Thank goodness, my cable wire will be "hidden" behind the molding, no ugly cable wire stapled to my new sparking moldings.

~ Moldings are in

~ Kitchen backsplash is grouted

~ Bathroom floor drain is in

~ Lead pan for the bath room floor is in

~ Shower Body is in (this is the stuff behind the tiles that you don't see)

~ Kitchen cabinets have all the remaining pieces (little panels between cabinets or to hide appliances).

~ Bathroom Painted (the bathroom will be tiled up to 4 feet outside the shower and from floor to ceiling in the shower)

I haven't seen the apartment in a few days. I got a fever during the week and have been "napping" for about 14 to 16 hours a day. But thank goodness, I am feeling better, so I will go see the new apartment tomorrow or Sunday to take more photo updates.

So, what's left for my GC? I am sure there are lots of things I am not thinking of right off the top of my head, but I believe (based on what my PPM reports and my best guesses):

~ Bathroom tile (floor and wall)

~ Bathroom sink & faucet installation

~ Bathroom toilet installation

~ Medicine cabinet installation

~ Bathroom moldings and door installation

~ Bathroom lights

~ Hallway Ceiling Light (between bedroom and bathroom)

~ Kitchen Ceiling Light

~ Bedroom Ceiling Light (yes, I went full out for the Auntie Mame fancy schmancy chandelier. Lots of twinkle and baubles!)


So, two people asked if manhattan renovations included a "punch list?" I guess maybe people thought this only happened outside of the city? The good news is: A Punch List happens everywhere (I can't imagine where it doesn't exist).

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure/stress/nightmare/gift/hell/dream of a renovation: A punch list is a list of the final touches. Basically, you go throughout the home and point out things that need to be tweaked or fixed. Because I love my GC, I imagine this punch list will be very, very short or non-existent. But yes, I will go through the apartment with my GC and make sure everything is A-Okay.

Did I mention my GC hires a cleaning company after he is finished with the renovation? I am super happy about this. I have never lived in a BRAND NEW home. Honestly, I never imagined I would ever put my knives in a virgin drawer. It is very exciting. I am still getting used to the idea: I will be the first person to put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, I will be the first person to bake a pie (okay - I do make a mean rhubarb crumble, I doubt an actual pie will ever be baked in my oven, but you never know. Maybe I will get a Betty Crocker Bug and start cooking up a storm?)

I have one DYI project saved for myself (or myself and friends). I will be installing the closet myself. I am trying desperately to choose which company to go with. If you have experience: good or bad, with a closet company, please let me know.

Other small stuff I am going to take care of myself:

~ I am not putting up pulls or cabinet hardware in the kitchen. I don't need it. The cupboards have a cut out so they open easily without knobs or pulls. I may add them later, I have plenty of time to decide.

~ I am going to switch out the doorknobs on some doors. I found some antique NYC Board of Ed doorknobs on eBay and I am going to switch out the bedroom and bathroom door knobs with these antique ones.

~ I will hang up my curtains / shades / blinds / sheets (kidding). I haven't decided what kind of window dressings yet.

~ I will secure the bookcases to the walls. I think I know which walls will be home to my many tombs, but have not officially decided.

Of course, my PPM, experienced in the fine art of living in a brand new home, did point out: I will be crushed with the first scratch, nick or break. As usual, he is right. But I am damn excited to experience this whole thing.

Moving Company Update:
As I mentioned in an earlier post, FlatRate has been great so far. They dropped off my boxes on Wednesday. So far, I have packed 2 boxes. 98 more to go.

So far so good.

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