Sunday, February 6, 2011

What's Left ? Shopping & Packing, Sunday, February 6, 2011

So, what's left? It's only been a month, but I feel like this renovation has gone on forever. I thought it was going to be really easy: I had been cutting out photos from magazines and saving website articles for months. So naive. This process has been so stressful. My hat goes off to all those folks who do this regularly and make it seem so easy and elegant. As a very smart friend of mine would say, "I don't have the ______ gene." I certainly don't have the interior design gene. But miraculously process has been made because of all of those folks who have helped me out and done so much. Thank you!

So, what's left for me to do?

I have to go shopping (again!). I will be going to the Home Depot sometime soon to buy:

~ Bedroom Ceiling Light

~ Hallway (really my "mini" hallway between the bedroom and bath)

~ Kitchen Ceiling / Track (?) Light

And, if I am motivated, a "swag" light for above the dining room (really the "dining area").

For the bedroom light, I am hoping to find something suitably "Auntie Mame-ish." Hopefully a perfectly wonderful chandelier. The bedroom / living room wall is open about 18 inches at the top. I am hoping if I find the right light, it will illuminate the living room / tv area as well as light up the bedroom. I know, maybe a chandelier is not the most appropriate bedroom light, but I really want something fancy schmanty - not schmaltzy. Fingers crossed.

The hallway light is easier - as long as it looks fairy inconspicuous, I should be okay. I was thinking of something equally fabulous in this light, but two chandeliers in an alcove studio might be a little over the top?

The damn kitchen light is going to drive me insane. My PPM has recommended "track" lighting. I found one that is about 2 feet long, and you can connect them together like lincoln logs. So, theoretically, I would end up with a four foot light in the kitchen. I am terrified I am going to end up with something that looks like a spot light in a gentleman's club. Maybe the term, "track lighting" has me hung up?

And then, the "Dinning Room / Area" desperately needs a light as well. But I am very worried I will hang the damn thing in the wrong spot and will end up lighting up a chair, not the table.

And then, there comes the packing..... da da dommmmm.

One moving company is coming this week to give me an estimate. God knows I have tons of books. Literally, I probably have an actual ton of books. I am not bringing the mattress. Yes, I am destined to get another mattress. I am thinking about the Sleep Number mattress. I am hoping being able to adjust the mattress will help me stay happy longer. Princess and the Pea that I am.

Does anyone have any experience with the Sleep Number bed / mattress?

I have to really get going on the packing. I am hoping the moving company is going to give me an estimate of two dollars, and then will drop off boxes the next morning. And the following morning I will wake up to find all of my stuff appropriately sorted: trash, thrift, take and also everything will be packed up, labeled and ready to move. Maybe I need Ruby Slippers? A Lucky Penny? Horseshoe? Pigeon poop?

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